The Tabernacle of David leaders exist to serve the Messianic community. We aim to bring Scriptural truths to light, apply them to you, the Messianic community, and to strengthen the body of Messiah by building you up in the Scriptures.
We have a seasoned blend of leadership of varied backgrounds, each offering a unique viewpoint and perspective as they teach the Scriptures.
All of the Tabernacle of David leaders have jobs outside of the congregation in order that none be a financial burden to the Messianic community. The leaders at Tabernacle all serve as a labor of love for Messiah’s flock.

Founders: Bob & Jacquie Himango
We’re proud to call as our founders Bob & Jacquie Himango, who have labored in the Messianic movement for over 30 years.
Bob & Jacquie have led worship services for numerous Messianic Jewish congregations and Hebrew Roots congregations over the years. They’ve founded several Messianic home fellowships and congregations across the United States, served with Paul Wilbur during the 1990s, served on the advisory council of well-known Messianic organizations, written numerous original Messianic songs, and to this day serve the Lord through a home fellowship in Illinois.
Bob & Jacquie are our spiritual leaders and founders of Tabernacle of David. While they now live out of state, Bob & Jacquie visit Minnesota several times each year and will lead worship and teach at Tabernacle.
Leader: Bryan Ussatis
Bryan serves as leader, teacher, and musician at Tabernacle.
Having come out of Protestant Christianity, Bryan has come to embrace the Torah as God’s holy standard and uses his background to glorify God, relating his walk with God, showing where God has brought us from and where he is taking us.
Bryan often calls himself the facilitator – he amplifies truths he finds in the Word, brings it before the congregation for discussion, explains how it has applied to his own life, and encourages the folks at Tabernacle to apply them in their own lives.
Bryan directs Torah principles inwardly and to practical, everyday life. He offer humble explanations of Torah from his studies, then ties it back to today by showing how it’s affected his own life and where God used this or that Scriptural truth to change his own walk with God. He encourages Messiah’s disciples by showing how to apply the Torah today, amplifying the truth of the Scriptures for practical living in today’s culture.
In music service, Bryan plays guitar for the Lord, sings to the Lord, and longs for that joyful presence found only when drawing near to God.
Bryan is the husband of Angie and the father of two sons, Lucas and Alex. His firstborn son Lucas plays the guitar, bass, and violin and regularly uses these talents for the Lord at Tabernacle.
Leader: Bill Patton
Bill Patton is a Torah teacher, an organizer, a true servant. During his time at Tabernacle of David, he has helped with numerous building repairs, improvements, started projects that help the congregation and glorify God — and each of these Bill has seen to completion. (We’re giving thanks for all of this!)
And if that weren’t enough, Bill has done all this with the heart of a servant, not asking for credit or recognition, just doing it in selfless service to the Lord.
Bill has a broad range of experience in the Messianic world and in his Torah teachings engage with numerous Jewish, Christian, and Messianic perspectives. He overlays these and gives his own personal insights into the Word.
His teachings and insight into the Torah have blessed many at Tabernacle, and through his service, numerous folks at Tabernacle, including the leadership itself, have been blessed and filled with gratefulness.
Leader: Judah Himango
Judah, the second son of founders Bob & Jacquie, is a worship leader at Tabernacle of David.
Years ago, God placed in Judah a desire to serve the Lord through music. He picked up a guitar, started playing a few Lamb songs, and the next thing you know, was leading Tabernacle of David in worshiping the Lord! (God is good.)
Judah has also used his technological talents in service to the Lord: He’s the author of Chavah Messianic Radio, the very best Messianic Jewish and Hebrew Roots music on the web. He’s also the author of MessianicChords, which is the largest repository for lyrics and chords to Messianic music. He runs the oldest Messianic blog on the web, Kineti.
Judah is the husband of Kristin and the father of Connor, Kess, and Keira.
Our crucial support
The spouses and families of our leaders sacrifice so much to help us with teaching, music, and leadership – we can hardly find the words to express gratitude for their patience & longsuffering service that often goes unnoticed by others.
Angie Ussatis, and many others help each and every week with children’s ministries, crafts for the kids, keeping order during the teaching, setting up equipment, clean up, shabbat food preparation, and so much more. Their spiritual support during worship, their insights into teachings, their gifts of the Spirit these women exercise at Tabernacle of David weekly are things we give thanks to God for and fully expect God to blossom further for his glory. They spur us on in our own walk with the Lord.
Tabernacle of David couldn’t exist without these fundamental, crucial services carried out selflessly by the women at Tabernacle of David. If you see these upright women of God, give them a sincere thanks for all their support, their under-appreciated work, and their gifts of the Spirit evident in them.