
Articles, podcasts, and videos from our teachers, the Tabernacle of David admin team, and our trusted resources.

  • This is a message I recently gave at a local messianic congregation. I discuss the relationship between our perception and what reality is as well as the role of worldviews and why we can still find some agreement with others… Continue reading →
  • New Messianic music on Chavah: Brayden & Tali Waller – Yet A Little While Every song on this album is pulled directly from Scripture. Brayden writes, "These songs were born out of a desire to teach myself and my family the words of scripture. I believe that getting the truth of scripture embedded in to […]
  • The third quest for the historical Jesus has reached an impasse. But a fourth quest is underway–one that draws from a heretofore largely neglected source: John’s Gospel. The third quest for the historical Jesus has reached an impasse. But a… Continue reading →
  • Introduction Jewish people and even some skeptics like to assert that Christians are the ones who have come up with two act play about the coming of the Messiah. In other words, since Jesus failed at the messianic task, Christians… Continue reading →
  • Messiah Yeshua’s message blends together two seemingly opposite ingredients – suffering and joy: “Therefore, since we also have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let’s rid ourselves of every obstacle and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let’s run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking only at Yeshua, the Originator and Perfecter […]
  • In this clip, I interview my friend Dr. Michael Licona about his latest book Jesus, Contradicted: Why are there Differences in the Gospels. We mostly focus on the topic on inspiration and inerrancy. See my review of his book here.
  • This is a recent clip where we discussed why the humanity of the Messiah is just as important as the deity of the Messiah. From my limited experience it seems Christians have to spend a lot of time defending the… Continue reading →
  • Light in a Dark Place: The Doctrine of Scripture (Foundations of Evangelical Theology), by John S. Feinberg. 800pg. Crossway. Dr. John Feinberg is professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology (retired) at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Illinois. A basic tenant of… Continue reading →
  • In 2004, I started going to The Ohio State University (64,000 students) and engaging students for the truth claims of the Biblical worldview. I did hundreds of surveys with students and certainly begin to see some of the objections people… Continue reading →
  • Our previous newsletter (Part One) presented biblical teaching regarding Lebanon; the origin and theological strategies of the Islamist terror organization Hezbollah; and concluded with a survey of its venomous anti-Jewish, anti-Israeli and anti-American perspectives and goals. Part Two unpacked Hezbollah’s role as an Iranian proxy and ‘fifth column’ within Lebanon. Part Three deals with the […]