What to expect

Visitors are always welcomed at Tabernacle of David. Join us for a meal, community, worship & studying the Word.

The services at Tabernacle of David are informal yet reverent, through which we aim to honor God and strengthen the Messianic community.

Join us shabbat morning for:

    • Oneg meal – spend time in community with Messiah’s disciples. Bring food to share with the community
    • Communal prayers
    • Messianic music service, Hebrew and English
    • Blessing the children
    • Torah study and Scripture discussion

Meal of Messiah

Oneg is a community meal with Yeshua’s disciples in keeping with the biblical injunction to “call the Sabbath a delight” (Isaiah 58:13). Bring kosher food to share with the community, or just show up and meet the folks at Tabernacle, discuss the Scriptures, and enjoy the food and company!

Pray with the community

For thousands of years, the people of Israel have come before God every week with Scripture-based prayers. At Tabernacle of David, the congregation prays in unison the Sh’ma to begin the service.

Messiah’s teachings enlighten us with regards to prayer. He taught us in the gospels how to pray, in what has become known as the Lord’s Prayer. Thus, we also as a congregation pray the Lord’s Prayer at the beginning of our service.

Worship God

Messianic music service is a time for us, as God’s people, to worship God. Give thanks for all he’s done. Bring an offering of praise.

Messianic music, a legacy left to us by the pioneers of the modern Messianic movement, is used to help us sing with one voice before God and bring the praises he’s due. We also sing traditional songs of Zion, such as the Sh’ma, Mi Kamocha, Ein K’Eloheinu, and more.

We allow God’s spirit to flow freely; there is no wrong time for God to speak to us, minister to us, give a word to the congregation, have the people offer heartfelt praise in a new song, or whatever the Father may have for God’s people in Minnesota.

Bless the next generation

We consider it of utmost importance to bless the children at Tabernacle of David.


It strengthens the children in the Lord to hear the older generation pronouncing God’s blessings on them.

It reminds God that our children are dedicated to Him.

And it reinforces in us, the older generation, that our children belong to the Most High and that they have been given to us by God as a blessing and as a means to grow and mature us.

Study the Word

Our Scripture study is opened forum format, facilitated by multiple leaders. We study the weekly Torah portion and allow for question and answers from the audience; an opened discussion. We also have, on occasion, special teachings from individual Tabernacle leaders as God puts things on our hearts.

An opened discussion format is used because we believe people learn best through informed discussion and shared experience. Young people learn by hearing the experiences of the older generation. Discussion and teaching is guided by one of several teachers at Tabernacle of David, each offering a unique viewpoint and focus intended to glorify God and build up and strengthen Messiah’s community in the Scriptures.