A poem written by Angie Ussatis this past shabbat:
Hear Oh Israel
Yahweh Our God, Yahweh is One
When Yah is One It Will Be…
No Jew or Gentile
When Yah is One
No male or female
When Yah is One
No Catholic or Protestant
When Yah is One
No more fighting over who is right
When Yah is One
No more confusion
When Yah is One
No man’s religion
When Yah is One
No bombs and No guns
When Yah is One
We will live by His Law’s
When Yah is One
His Torah on Our Hearts
When Yah is One
None of us will teach each other saying, “Know Yahweh”
When Yah is One
As it is in Heaven, so also on Earth
We will be Israel-One People-One Messiah-One King
When Yah is One
Hear Oh Israel
Yah IS One