
Thanks for considering donating! How will your donation help Messiah’s community?

  1. You’re providing a host building for our service. We rent our building for $800/month. This is our primary cost, and it enables our Messianic community to meet every Shabbat.
  2. You’re helping Yeshua’s disciples in the congregation. Occasionally, disciples of Yeshua in the congregation need help with unexpected expenses, such as car repairs or moving trucks. We believe it is incumbent on us to provide help to disciples of Yeshua in need. (James 2:14)
  3. You’re enabling the service at Tabernacle of David. Occasionally, we purchase or perform maintenance on audio equipment, building improvements, speakers, audio hardware, recording equipment. All of this is used exclusively for the Messianic service at Tabernacle of David.
  4. You’re bringing in guest speakers and musicians. A few times a year, we pay guest speakers or musicians to come to Tabernacle of David and minister to us. When we bring guests to our congregation, we pay them for their time and service to us.

We’re accountable in our finances, keeping documented records of all donations and spending. Multiple leaders and elders have access to our financial books to ensure accountability.

All of the leaders at Tabernacle of David are volunteers; none of us take a salary, and all of us work full-time jobs so that we will not be a financial burden on the congregation (1 Thessalonians 2).

Thank you for considering donating. You enable Tabernacle of David to exist and serve the Messianic community in Minnesota.