Thoughts on the passing of Ravi Zacharias

Editor’s note: This post originally appeared on Think Apologetics. Tabernacle of David considers this resource trustworthy and Biblically sound.


As you probably know, Ravi Zacharis has gone to be with the Lord. There have been a slew of articles about the impact he had.  When I came to faith in 1994, I  immediately became interested in apologetics. Ravi’s “Can Man Live Without God” was one of the first books I bought. I remember that hearing him speak was a lesson in learning how to mix truth with love. He was a gifted communicator and his speaking style was captivating.  One of my favorite books by him is Jesus Among Other Gods.  Just two years ago, I saw Ravi speak at the SES National Apologetics Conference. He was in fine health and spent most of his sermon telling stories. It was kind of odd for me. I assumed he would give some huge apologetics talk on the existence of God.  Instead, his talk was mostly a story. Granted, Ravi always knew his audience.  Ravi always had the ability to combine philosophical and existential issues together.  Here is a clip some apologists put together. It is a tribute to them.

This was my favorite quote by him:

Image may contain: 1 person, text that says '"The Christian faith, simply stated, reminds us that our fundamental problem is not moral; rather, our fundamental problem is spiritual. It is not just that we are immoral, but that a moral life alone cannot bridge what separates us from God. Herein lies the cardinal difference between the moralizing religions and Jesus' offer to us. Jesus does not offer to make bad people good but to make dead people alive." RAVI ZACHARIAS'


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