Posts Categorized: trusted resources

New music: Brayden & Tali Waller – Yet A Little While

New Messianic music on Chavah:

Brayden & Tali Waller – Yet A Little While

Every song on this album is pulled directly from Scripture. Brayden writes,

“These songs were born out of a desire to teach myself and my family the words of scripture. I believe that getting the truth of scripture embedded in to the minds of our children is one of the most powerful ways to invest in the ‘faith baton’ being passed from generation to generation. 

Our prayer is that these songs will be a sword cutting down the lies of the devil and also a healing balm to strengthen your soul. May you be among those who ‘escape the corruption that is in the world through lust’ (2 Peter 1:4). Many of these songs are about the coming of Yeshua. As we see the signs of His coming intensify let us be those who are found ready no matter what crazy twists and turns this roller coaster of life throws at us! Be conformed to Messiah and not to this world.”

Enjoy this new music about the coming of Messiah, dear friends! You can support the Wallers by purchasing this album on Amazon, Apple Music, or at .

Restoration and vengeance

Messiah Yeshua’s message blends together two seemingly opposite ingredients – suffering and joy: “Therefore, since we also have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let’s rid ourselves of every obstacle and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let’s run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking only at Yeshua, the Originator and Perfecter […]

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Book Review: Light in a Dark Place: The Doctrine of Scripture (Foundations of Evangelical Theology) by John S. Feinberg

Light in a Dark Place: The Doctrine of Scripture (Foundations of Evangelical Theology), by John S. Feinberg. 800pg. Crossway. Dr. John Feinberg is professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology (retired) at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Illinois. A basic tenant of… Continue reading →

Open your doors, O Lebanon – that fire may destroy your cedars! (Zechariah 11:1) – Part Three

Our previous newsletter (Part One) presented biblical teaching regarding Lebanon; the origin and theological strategies of the Islamist terror organization Hezbollah; and concluded with a survey of its venomous anti-Jewish, anti-Israeli and anti-American perspectives and goals. Part Two unpacked Hezbollah’s role as an Iranian proxy and ‘fifth column’ within Lebanon. Part Three deals with the […]

The post Open your doors, O Lebanon – that fire may destroy your cedars! (Zechariah 11:1) – Part Three appeared first on David’s Tent .