The Elephant and the Nazi

Editor’s note: This post originally appeared on David’s Tent, a ministry of Israeli believers Avner and Rachel Boskey. The Boskey’s have ministered at Tabernacle of David, and we consider them trustworthy and Biblically sound.

A small town in Germany

In 1968 John Le Carré published his fifth novel, A Small Town in Germany. In that story, Alan Turner (a British Foreign Office official/spy working for MI6) is sent to investigate the disappearance of Leo Harting (long-term temporary employee at the British Embassy), who is suspected of being a Communist agent. It turns out that Harting is a war crimes investigator hot on the trail of Klaus Karfeld, an anti-British industrialist and politician who had been a Nazi administrator of a laboratory that had poisoned 31 Jews. Le Carré based the foundation of his plot on the fact that many Nazis were living secretly and with a concealed identity all over East and West Germany (often in leading political and diplomatic roles), and there were many who were guilty of serious anti-Semitic war crimes. Le Carré penned the original draft of his book in Vienna, where famed Nazi-hunter Dr. Simon Wiesenthal helped him with background research about real hidden Nazis.


The elephant with the murderous red eyes

Years ago, when Rachel and I were ministering in Germany, I had a dream. In this dream, I found myself standing in the kitchen of an old German house, probably built in the 1300-1500’s. There was a slit-like opening on the kitchen wall, and staring out at me from that slit were a pair of beady red eyes – the eyes of a murderous elephant. There was great danger in those eyes. All of a sudden, the elephant dropped through the floor and out of my sight – as if descending an elevator shaft – into hidden foundations deep below the house. I needed to immediately find out where he had gone. I carefully approached the ancient wooden door of the house which led to the street. I opened it very slowly – not wanted to attract the attention of the deadly elephant, wherever he might be. The small street outside the house, was picturesque – beautifully cobbled, and overhung with half-timbered house with plastered walls, each one painted in different colors – yellow, rose, beige, light green, etc.

As I looked to the left, down the street, I saw a large medieval cobbled square with a statue or fountain in the middle of the courtyard. All of a sudden, a bright-red elephant with those same murderous blood-red eyes rose silently out from the medieval courtyard and floated soundless over the cobblestones. I realized that, in the spirit, I was invisible to him as long as I did not make a noise or otherwise attract attention. I instantly knew (the way one knows things in dreams) that this threatening elephant was a demonic spirit of anti-Semitism, which had buried itself deep in the spiritual foundations of Europe. He was now able to operate with subterfuge, without being noticed – stealthily going about doing his work of deceiving Europeans – and waiting to activate the nations for an attack on the Jewish people at the opportune time.


  • The Hamas pogrom on October 7, 2023 unleashed with it a red wave of murderous anti-Semitism across the face of the globe. These jihadi sparks have set off an explosive charge of Jew-hatred that threatens to surpass the intensity of what happened during rise of Hitler in the 1930’s. In Hitler’s day, Nazis believed in the rightness of their Jew-hating policies. In our day, there are many who believe in the ‘rightness’ of their hatred for the Jewish people and the Jewish state. This is a clear example of mass psychosis, this time manifesting itself with an anti-Semitic obsession.


Anti-Semitism ‘Marx the spot’

As a young child born to Communist parents, I became acquainted with the writings of Red revolutionaries at a young age. The first sentence of Karl Marx’s ‘The Communist Manifesto’ (originally published in German in 1848) was etched in my memory for years: “Ein Gespenst geht um in Europa – das Gespenst des Kommunismus” (‘A specter is haunting Europe – the specter of Communism”). 

The events of the past month which have swept across the planet in major European, British, Australian and North American cities – mass demonstrations calling for the destruction of Israel, the slaughter of Jewish people, and violent support for jihadi terrorist slaughter, mass rape, torture and kidnapping carried out by the Muslim Brotherhood-founded Hamas – have been accompanied by an apocalyptic rise in anti-Semitic speech, rallies and physical attacks on both Jewish individuals, Jewish schools and community centers, yeshivas (rabbinic seminaries), etc.


  • The events we are now witnessing remind us of Nazi riots in Germany, pogroms in Ukraine, Poland and Moldova – all of these which were precursors of the Nazi murder machine. A specter is haunting Europe, indeed! It is ‘das Gespenst des Antisemitismus,’ ‘das Gespenst des Judenhass’ (‘the specter of anti-Semitism, the specter of Jew-hatred’). And its evil weeds are spreading like wildfire across the planet.


The morphing of anti-Semitism

The murderous Jew-hatred that nursed Hamas’ slaughter of Israeli citizens on October 7, 2023 has roots both ancient and modern. Here are five markers of anti-Semitism (AS) which have developed down through the ages.

Pagan/Christian AS              Egyptian, Samaritan, Greek and Roman roots

Islamic AS                               Christian, Ishmaelite, Edomite and (in the 20th century) Nazi roots

Communist AS                       Christian and neo-pagan 19th century conspiracy roots

                                                  (i.e., the forgery –  the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion)

Nazi AS                                   Christian, old pagan, neo-pagan 19th century conspiracy roots

Woke AS                                  having elements of all of the above


Nazi anti-Semitic beliefs have had a significant influence on the jihadi Islamist movements of the 20th century (e.g., PLO/PA, Hamas, Egyptian/Islamic Jihad, al Qa’eda, etc.). These influences will be looked at now.


The Nazi, the Mufti and jihad

Hamas (in Arabic, Harakat al-Muqawima al-Islamiyya; the Islamic Resistance Movement) is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood (Jama’at al-Ikhwan al-Muslimin). Its 1988 Charter proclaims clearly that “the Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the wings of the Muslim Brothers.”  The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Ismailia, Egypt in the year 1928 by Hassan al-Banna, a schoolteacher who admired Adolf Hitler’s hatred of the Jews. Al-Banna wrote often to Hitler, expressing his admiration for the dictator and his desire to collaborate with the Nazi Party.

In March 1938 Hitler received the envoy of Saudi Arabian King Ibn Saud at his Berghof chalet. Hitler stated to the envoy that one of the three reasons why Nazi Germany was interested in working with the Arabs was “because we were jointly fighting the Jews.” Hitler then declared that he himself would not rest until the last Jew had left Germany. The Saudi envoy observed that the Prophet Mohammed . . . “had acted the same way. He had driven the Jews out of Arabia.”

Adolf Hitler met with Haj Amin al-Husseini, the British-appointed Mufti of Jerusalem, on November 28, 1941 at the Reich Chancellery (Reichskanzlei) in Berlin. Here are some selected statements of Hitler to al-Husseini: “Germany stood for uncompromising war against the Jews. That naturally included active opposition to the Jewish national home in Palestine, which was nothing other than a center, in the form of a state, for the exercise of destructive influence by Jewish interests . . . It presented itself in the main as a conflict between Germany and England, but ideologically it was a battle between National Socialism and the Jews . . .  Germany’s objective would then be solely the destruction of the Jewish element residing in the Arab sphere under the protection of British power . . . (The Führer) would carry on the battle to the total destruction of the Judeo-Communist empire in Europe” (Documents on German Foreign Policy 1918–1945, Series D, Vol XIII, London, 1964, p. 881).

Al-Husseini’s hatred of Judaism and the Jews drew him to Nazism and to Hitler and Himmler like a magnet. All three shared a common ideological passion: Jew-hatred’ (Judenhass). Al-Husseini brought his hatred of the Jews and Judaism with him when he came to Berlin in 1941, and he brought those same hatreds – now fused with the additional element of Nazism – back to the Middle East after World War II (see Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11  by Matthias Küntzel; translated by Colin Meade).

The Nazis clung to a paranoid conspiracy theory that ‘international Jewry’ was plotting to destroy Germany.  Muslims like al-Husseini morphed that into an international Jewish plot to destroy Islamic society. Thus, in order to remove this supposed threat, the radical Islamist cannot merely humiliate the Jew; he must annihilate him. But jihadi Jew-hatred did not originate with Hitler; the Muslims inherited it directly from the classic Islamic religious texts. Mein Kampf’s anti-Semitism had now been successfully grafted onto the pre-existing anti-Semitism of the Quran. These two hatreds had become intertwined.


Radio Days in Berlin

On December 18, 1942, the ‘Islamic Central Institute’ (Islamische Zentral-Institut) was inaugurated in Berlin, with Haj Amin al-Husseini as chief radio announcer and speaker. Al-Husseini attacked the Jews on his December 23, 1942 broadcast, declaring that the Quran judged the Jews “to be the most irreconcilable enemies of the Muslims” and that Israel would “always be a subversive element on the earth.” Whereas Nazi propaganda in Germany basically informed their domestic audiences that the Reich was “exterminating” and “annihilating” the Jews of Europe, the radio broadcasts in Arabic urged Muslims to take matters into their own hands and “kill the Jews” as fulfillment of both Arab national interests and the demands of their own religion.

One of the principal founders the Syrian Ba’ath Party (Arab Socialist Resurrection Party) in 1947, Zaki al-Arsuzi, stated that Fascism and Nazism had greatly influenced Ba’athist ideology, while another Ba’ath Party leader, Sami al-Jundi, wrote: “We were racialists, admiring Nazism, reading its books and the source of its thought . . . We were the first to think of translating Mein Kampf.” Today, in the Palestinian Authority capital of Ramallah, Hitler’s Mein Kampf is # 6 on the Palestinian best-seller list.

On September 11, 2001, the 9/11 al-Qa’eda murderers denounced Jews, the United States, and Israel. For those analysts who were aware of recent Islamic history, it was clear that Bin Laden was repeating the anti-Semitic ideology and propaganda of the Nazi regime which had been welded to the anti-Jewish hatred of Husseini and the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1930s and 1940’s.

In our day we hear the same Nazi-Brotherhood poisonous synthesis slithering from the mouths of spokesmen from Hamas, Hezbollah and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Hamas’s Charter draws on Nazism’s antisemitic conspiracy theories, blaming Jews and Zionists for the two World Wars. Any intelligent reader of that Charter will immediately recognize the now-familiar Nazi-Islamist ideological fusion.

In their ground-breaking book, Nazis, Islamists and the Making of the Modern Middle East, Barry Rubin and Wolfgang G. Schwanitz note, “While the Nazi ideology collapsed in 1945 and virtually vanished from German and European life, the radical Arab nationalist and Islamist ideologies flourished thereafter [in the Middle East] . . . Organizational links to the Axis-era past continue to the present day. The West Bank is ruled by the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority, created by Arafat (al-Husseini’s heir and a former Muslim Brotherhood activist).” Gaza is ruled by Hamas, a deeply antisemitic branch of the Muslim Brotherhood “whose worldview is indistinguishable from that of al-Husseini and the Brotherhood in the 1930s and 1940s.”

  • Anti-Semitic radical forces deeply influenced by the Nazis continue to dominate Palestinian politics.


The President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas/Abu Mazen, is a major propagator of Nazi-inspired propaganda. In his 1982 doctoral dissertationThe Relationship Between Zionists and Nazis, 1933-1945’ awarded by the Soviet Institute of Oriental Studies, he repeated the Nazi claim that a Jewish ‘declaration of war’ on Germany caused the Holocaust. In Abbas’ own words in that dissertation, he wrote: “The Zionist movement led a broad campaign of incitement against the Jews living under Nazi rule, in order to arouse the government’s hatred of them, to fuel vengeance against them, and to expand the mass extermination.” The Zionists, Abbas asserted, were the Third Reich’s “basic partner in crime.” Abbas also claimed that the figure of six million dead has been exaggerated for political gain, and suggests one million as a more reasonable estimate. 

In his 1984 book based on his dissertation, Abbas claimed that the Zionist movement and its leaders were ‘fundamental partners’ of the Nazis and equally responsible for the Holocaust. In 2018, Abbas stated that Jews brought the Holocaust upon themselves: “These people were fought because of their social function related to money, usury . . . From Hitler’s point of view, they were sabotaging, and therefore he hated them.”

In 2010, the late Professor Robert Wistrich, Erich Neuberger Professor of European Jewish History and Head of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, published A Lethal Obsession: Antisemitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad.  Wistrich’s thesis is that first the Nazis, and then the Soviets (with their campaigns of anti-Zionism), had shifted the global center of gravity of anti-Semitism from Europe to the Muslim Middle East and especially to the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Hamas awaits the great massacre

An interview with Hamas MP and cleric Yunis al-Astal was aired on al-Aqsa TV on May 11, 2011, where he declared: “The [Jews] are brought in droves to Palestine so that the Palestinians – and the Islamic nation behind them – will have the honor of annihilating the evil of this gang . . .  In just a few years, all the Zionists and the settlers will realize that their arrival in Palestine was for the purpose of the great massacre, by means of which Allah wants to relieve humanity of their evil.”

  • In this blood-chilling pronouncement, it can be clearly seen how Nazi plans for Jewish genocide continue to dovetail with Muslim Brotherhood jihadi terror to bring forth a modern genocidal expression of anti-Semitism – one which multitudes across the globe seem to be passionately embracing.


How should we then pray?


  • Pray for clarity, moral courage, discernment and strategies for Israel’s leadership at all levels regarding the Hamas-PLO-PA-Nazi threat


  • Pray for Israel’s leaders to withstand international pressure so that Hamas can finally be removed from its cruel terror dictatorship in Gaza


  • Pray for minimal loss of life on Israel’s side and for those Gazans who are truly innocent


  • Pray for the physical rescue of the 239 Israelis (including babies) kidnapped by Hamas


  • Pray that the outstretched arm of YHVH will not return before it brings justice to God’s enemies


  • Pray for the raising up of Ezekiel’s prophetic Jewish army throughout the earth


Your prayers and support hold up our arms and are the very practical enablement of God to us in the work He has called us to do.

In Messiah Yeshua,

Avner Boskey

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The post The Elephant and the Nazi appeared first on David's Tent.

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