Free digital downloads of ISRAEL THE KEY TO WORLD REVIVAL in Español, Italiano and Polski

Editor’s note: This post originally appeared on David’s Tent, a ministry of Israeli believers Avner and Rachel Boskey. The Boskey’s have ministered at Tabernacle of David, and we consider them trustworthy and Biblically sound.

It is our privilege to make our book ISRAEL THE KEY TO WORLD REVIVAL available as a free digital download in Spanish, Italian and Polish versions at



  • Spain has a population of nearly 49 million, while native Spanish speakers total 480 million


  • Italy has a population of nearly 59 million, while native Italian speakers total 67 million


  • Poland has a population of 40 million


We want the biblical and foundational teachings of this book to get into many hands and to transform many people’s understanding about God’s heart and strategies for the Jewish people. This is all the more important as Israel and the Jewish people are moving into center-place in the minds and hearts of the nations – though the focus is often poisonous and anti-Jewish.


At this moment, we are not traveling extensively in these countries, teaching these principles and letting people know about this book in person. We want this book to open the hearts of a lot of people – believers in Yeshua and those who are not yet there.


As a Jewish man whose grandparents grew up in Poland, I feel a special desire to bless that country – even with all its checkered history toward the sons and daughters of Israel. Perhaps this book will leave a blessing in the cities, towns and villages of that nation.


These translations were brought to fruition through the prayers and gifts of many. We hope to make translations of this book available in Russian and Hebrew as God grants favor and ability. If you would like to help make this project a reality, feel free to help though prayer and giving.


Blessings to you as the days get darker and the Light gets closer!


Your prayers and support hold up our arms and are the very practical enablement of God to us in the work He has called us to do.


In Messiah Yeshua,


Avner Boskey


Donations can be sent to:


BOX 121971 NASHVILLE TN 37212 – 1971 USA


Donations can be made on-line (by PayPal or credit card) through:

The post Free digital downloads of ISRAEL THE KEY TO WORLD REVIVAL in Español, Italiano and Polski appeared first on David's Tent.

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