One of the most popular articles on the JewsNews website is an article called Who exactly is the Jewish Moshiach (Messiah), and why is he so critical to the Jewish people? While Christians take the time to celebrate the Savior of the world,… Continue reading →
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Salvation on the Line, Volume I: The Nature of Yeshua and His Divinity–Gospels and Acts – paperback
This publication, Salvation on the Line: The Nature of Yeshua and His Divinity, affirms a high Christology. Not only does it affirm a high Christology of Yeshua being God, it very much defends the view that while understanding all of the intricacies of Yeshua being God is not required for salvation, recognizing Yeshua as the Lord (YHWH/YHVH) of the Tanach Scriptures (Old Testament) most certainly is required for salvation (Romans 10:9, 13; cf. Joel 2:32).
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Book Review: Trevor Wax, Eschatological Discipleship: Leading Christians to Understand Their Historical and Cultural Context, 288pp. B&H Academic.
Trevor Wax, Eschatological Discipleship: Leading Christians to Understand Their Historical and Cultural Context, 288pp. B&H Academic. I have always thought there should be more integration between eschatology and discipleship. Sadly, for many Christians, when it comes to eschatology, there… Continue reading →
Why the One Law Controversy? – Messianic Insider
J.K. McKee of Messianic Apologetics addresses some of the significant tension which arises when issues of “One Law” arise in various Messianic quarters.
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The Human Consciousness – Messianic Insider
J.K. McKee of Messianic Apologetics addresses the deep theological and philosophical issue of what makes human beings different from the animals.
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James 1:1-12 — James Study
J.K. McKee of Messianic Apologetics reviews James 1:1-12 verse-by-verse. Have your Bible handy, and be prepared to take notes!
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Immorality: Going Back to the First Century – Outreach Israel Report
Mark and Margaret Huey, and John McKee, each talk about what it means for today’s Messianic movement to see itself as recapturing the First Century faith experience in the Twenty-First Century. (1) Mixed assemblies of Jewish and non-Jewish Believers; (2) a polytheistic and immoral Roman Empire; (3) small home fellowships of Believers.
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Sanctifying Grace: A Supernatural Compulsion – Approaching One Law Controversies Audio Series
The One Law/One Torah sub-movement has been the cause of a great deal of legalism, judgmentalism, and condemnatory attitudes that we should not want to see present among born again Believers. The One Law/One Torah sub-movement, while having rightly encouraged non-Jewish Believers to pay attention to the Torah’s Instruction, has been responsible for invoking spiritual dynamics from various Torah passages—which we do not want to see present in our Messianic congregations and assemblies.
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Sorting Through the Legalism – Approaching One Law Controversies Audio Series
The One Law/One Torah sub-movement has been the cause of a great deal of legalism, judgmentalism, and condemnatory attitudes that we should not want to see present among born again Believers. The One Law/One Torah sub-movement, while having rightly encouraged non-Jewish Believers to pay attention to the Torah’s Instruction, has been responsible for invoking spiritual dynamics from various Torah passages—which we do not want to see present in our Messianic congregations and assemblies.
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Who Should Be Submitted to Moses’ Teaching? – Approaching One Law Controversies Audio Series
The One Law/One Torah sub-movement has been the cause of a great deal of legalism, judgmentalism, and condemnatory attitudes that we should not want to see present among born again Believers. The One Law/One Torah sub-movement, while having rightly encouraged non-Jewish Believers to pay attention to the Torah’s Instruction, has been responsible for invoking spiritual dynamics from various Torah passages—which we do not want to see present in our Messianic congregations and assemblies.
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