Posts Tagged: Introduction to Things Messianic Study

The End-Times: What Should We Expect? – Introduction to Things Messianic Study

When a person becomes a new Believer in Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) and embarks into his or her own study of the Scriptures, the individual has questions and is searching for answers, especially in regard to the end-times. A critical question asked by many who are searching is: “What should I expect?” One may confide is his or her friends or Bible teachers with various questions and inquiries, and in many cases may accept their views at face value. But after further examination, though, a Bible student may find their opinions of Scripture to be inaccurate or incomplete.

Sacred Name Concerns – Introduction to Things Messianic Study

How many of you have been in a Messianic religious setting as of late where you have heard someone use the words God, or Lord, or even Jesus Christ—and then someone gets up and publicly chastises the person? How many of you have been told that if you do not use Hebraic names and terms for the Father and the Son that your prayers will neither be heard nor answered?

Is Sunday “the Lord’s Day”? – Introduction to Things Messianic Study

We as Messianic Believers come into direct contrast with many Christians because we do not observe this “Lord’s Day,” as they call it. We keep the Biblical seventh-day Sabbath or Shabbat, the day of rest that God established for His people going back to the start of human history (Genesis 2:3; Exodus 20:11).

Adopting a Messianic Lifestyle – Introduction to Things Messianic Study

You should be motivated to pursue Messianic things first and foremost, because the Holy Spirit has convicted you and personally shown you that there is indeed “something” to all of this. Your motivation should be wanting to get the most out of your relationship with the God of Israel, pursuing full compliance with Holy Scripture, and living as a disciple of Messiah Yeshua.

The Role of History in Messianic Biblical Interpretation – Introduction to Things Messianic Study

When many people read the Bible, one of the biggest mistakes that can be made is reading it as though it were written directly to a person living in the Twenty-First Century. Whether we consciously realize it or not, the events of the Bible not only took place in another century, another part of the world, and in another culture—but in different centuries, different parts of the world, and different cultures.