New music: Nell Zier – Liberty

This post originally appeared on Chavah Messianic Radio, a service by Tabernacle of David teacher Judah Gabriel Himango.

Shalom Chavah fans,

We’ve rolled out a classic Messianic Jewish album on the station:

Nell Zier – Liberty

I’ve found this album to be right up the alley in the classic Messianic genre: orchestral, group-singing in the vein of Kol Simcha or Liberated Wailing Wall. Above that, there’s a sense of God’s spirit speaking through these old tunes. Nell describes her album like this:

A spectacular production of elegant Jewish-style music with nostalgic lyrics of yearning for the peace and prosperity of Jerusalem.

I think you’ll enjoy this album, fine Chavah fans. You can support Messiah’s musicians by purchasing this album over at

Enjoy the new music for Messiah!

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