Posts Tagged: news

You’re invited to Proclaim Messianic Music Festival

Join us at Proclaim Music Festival !

Fine Messianic music fans, you’re invited to Proclaim Music Festival  June 6th through 9th in Hornick, Iowa.

I (Judah from Chavah) will be there playing some of my favorite Messianic tunes, as will Israeli Messianic musician Yaron Cherniak (from Miqedem) and other musicians and worshippers.

At Proclaim you’ll find joyful worshippers, new friends, real community, genuine disciples of Yeshua, outdoor praises, campfires, food and fun games for you and your whole family. It’s really a great place to be. And last year the biggest thing was…well, the Spirit of God was there like I haven’t experienced in a long time. God willing, He’ll be there again this year.

Registration is usually $75, but this year, Proclaim’s 7th year, we’ve decided to make registration free, trusting the Father for our finances. Register for free .

Hope to see you there, friends!

Chavah 2.1 for iOS now available

I’m glad to report we’ve deployed a new version of Chavah app for iOS just this morning.

You might ask, “Didn’t you just deploy a new version of Chavah for iOS last month?”

Yes, we did , and then Apple promptly shipped a new version of iOS, 17.2.1, that broke Chavah .

Specifically, if Chavah was in the background, or if your phone screen was locked, Chavah wouldn’t play the next song. This was a bug introduced by Apple for all web-based audio apps like Chavah. We’ve reported the issue to Apple and do hope it’ll be fixed soon.

In the meantime, today we shipped a new version of Chavah that works around Apple’s bug.

So, if you have an iPhone and you listen to Chavah, grab the latest version of Chavah from the App Store. With it, you’ll be able to play songs regardless of whether Chavah is in the background.

You’re invited to Sukkot with the Lumbrosos

Shalom folks,

Messianic musicians and friends of the station the Lumbrosos  are hosting a Sukkot festival, and you’re invited to join, dear Chavah listeners.

Messiah Sukkot takes place October 5th-8th in Fall Creek, Oregon. 

Sukkot, or the Feast of Tabernacles, is the last of the biblical fall festivals described and given to us in Leviticus 23. Like all the biblical festivals, Sukkot points us to events in the past as a remembrance as well as events in the future that we await the fulfillment of. Zechariah 14 speaks of a time in the future when all nations will come up to Jerusalem in honor of this festival. For Yedidei Adonai (YAD), it is the best time to come together for good food, fellowship, and celebration!

YAD has long hoped to put on a larger sukkot gathering that is open to all in Oregon and surrounding areas. This year, we are finally diving in and making our dream a reality! 

All are welcome to our sukkot event! Rabbi Gabriel will share Jewish insights about Yeshua as the Memra–the Word made flesh–and the timing of his birth during the festival of Sukkot. 

Messianic worship concerts Messianic Jewish teaching Hebrew lessons Children’s activities Dance workshops Messianic shuk (market) Shemini Atzeret (rolling the Kosher Torah scroll) Brunch and dinners included

I’ve worshiped multiple times with the Lumbrosos in-person, and I can vouch for them: they are geninue, sincere people who love the Lord and have a heart to glorify Yeshua.

Find out more over at

Atonement: A Yom Kippur Experience

Shalom dear friends,

Here’s beautiful Yom Kippur a cappella liturgy for this special, holy day:

Beth Hallel Cantorial Choir – Kol Nidre

This entire album is focused on Yom Kippur and the atonement we have in the Lord, filled with traditional liturgy sung by dear friends who love Messiah. Read more about this album .

Personally, I’m using this time to talk to my family about Yom Kippur, forgiveness, and the atonement we have in Yeshua. I’ll be spending a good deal of time in prayer and in the Word.

May you all have a holy and meaningful Yom Kippur, friends.

Happy Passover!

Happy Passover, fine Chavah fans. ♥ חג פסח שמח

God commands us to remember Passover by telling our kids about the exodus from Egypt and the miracles God worked long ago. 

Messiah commands us to celebrate Passover “in remembrance of Me” – taking the matzah and wine, symbolizing his body and blood, poured out for the forgiveness of our sins. 

Chag sameach, and a have a wonderful Pesach, dear friends.

Rick Coghill, Messianic music pioneer, diagnosed with cancer

Shalom Chavah fans,

I wanted to pass on to you the news of the cancer diagnosis of Rick Coghill, early Messianic music pioneer with the group Lamb:

The post reads,

Dear Fans and Friends of LAMB, (Picture taken in 1973)

Please keep my 20-year partner in Lamb, Rick Coghill, in your prayers. He recently contracted liver cancer and is in hospice with not much time left here on this earth. A brilliant producer and guitarist, his contribution to the Messianic movement through Lamb was priceless. Pray that his passing is peaceful and that the comfort of God permeates all around him.

Ps. 23:4 – Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

I consider Lamb to be the pioneer of Messianic music, having produced several albums in the 1970s, trailblazing the genre of Jewish music for Messiah. Personally, I grew up listening to their music and still love it to this day. Their music is some of the highest-ranked on the station.

Joel Chernoff and Rick Coghill influenced many lives towards Messiah, including my own, through Lamb’s music ministry. I’m saddened to hear of Rick’s serious cancer diagnosis.

Please lift up Rick in prayer today, friends.

You’re invited to Proclaim Hebraic Music Fest

Shalom Chavah fans,

I know you all love Messianic music, so here’s something special: you’re invited to join me at Proclaim Hebraic Music Fest .

Proclaim is four days of praise from Hebraic and Messianic musicians, a time of dancing, camping, friendships, campfires and singalongs, food and festivities for adults, youth, and little ones. Bring yourself, bring your whole family ! From June 17th-20th in beautiful Hornick, Iowa, we’ll celebrate the Lord together. Will you join me ?

Folks, I’ve been attending Proclaim since it first began and I can attest, it’s been a giant blessing to me. I meet like-minded people, people who love to worship. I join singalongs at campfires. 😊 I’m built up. There’s something special about getting together with believers to worship.

This year is even more special to me, as I’ve joined the Proclaim leadership team to help put on this event. My genuine prayer and hope is that this event brings glory to the Lord and builds up His people here in the US.

Proclaim brings in many artists you hear on Chavah, folks like Mason Clover , Mishkanim , Exodus Road Band , Praises for Yahweh , Steve Rees , as well as many upcoming new and young artists who love God, love the Gospel, love the Torah. It’s a great place to be, friends.

So, if that sounds like something you’d really enjoy, well, join me! 😊 You can register here . And, friends, if you do come to Proclaim, make sure you come and find me and say hello and shalom! I’m always encouraged to find Chavah listeners “in the wild”, so come meet me and spend some time with me praising our King together .

Marty Blume has passed away from coronavirus


I’m shocked and deeply saddened to report that, Marty Blume, a dear friend of the station and long-time supporter of Chavah, has passed away from coronavirus . His wife is raising funds for his funeral and burial .

Marty helped us get Chavah Messianic Radio off the ground, contributed on the admin side of Chavah, helped us acquire the necessary licenses to legally play music on the web, and was a creative mind for helping Messiah’s musicians financially.

He was a friend to so many in the Messianic movement. I remember meeting the Miqedem music group a few years ago. I was showing them Chavah Messianic Radio on my phone, when bandmember Shai Sol replied, “Wait – are you friends with Marty Blume? He showed me this!”

Coronavirus has been impersonal up until now. Deaths and sickeness happened to other people. Now it’s hit close to home. I’m shocked. And I’m sad for his family, sad that he’s gone.

May the Lord raise him up in that day.

The Lord commanded us to help widows and orphans; now is the time. Please donate to his widow’s fundraiser here .

We’re @messianicradio on Twitter

Shalom Chavah fans,

We just hooked up our @messianicradio Twitter account to Chavah’s songs and lyrics, such that we regularly tweet song lyrics with links to the song on Chavah:

For Zion’s sake, I will not keep silent

For Zion’s sake, I’ll not hold my peace

For Zion’s sake, for Yerushalayim

I will not rest, I will not rest

— Chavah Messianic Music Radio (@MessianicRadio) March 11, 2020

We also tweet about trending songs for the day, thumb-ups, and more. If you’re on Twitter, follow @messianicradio . Shalom friends!

Chavah turns 10!

Shalom friends,

10 years ago, on February 16th 2010, we announced in a humble blog post the very first version of Chavah:

I’m really excited to show you guys something I worked on over the last few days:

Chavah – Internet Radio For Yeshua’s Disciples

It works on both Windows and Mac, right in your web browser. (Depending on how old your computer is, it may need to install a small Flash-like plug-in called Microsoft Silverlight. After that, you’re home free.)

If you’ve ever used the music service, this is in the same vein. In fact, Pandora is the inspiration for Chavah.

Give it a try! Hope you like it, and please let me know about any problems in the comments.

Yes, it really looked like that. I’m reminded of the saying, “Do not despise humble beginnings!”

Because the web was still in its early days, we used Silverlight plugin technology to play MP3 audio. (Back then, most web browsers couldn’t natively play MP3s – amazing how far we’ve come since then!)

Two years later, in April of 2012, we released Chavah 2.0 :

Fine Kineti readers, I am truly overjoyed to announce Chavah Messianic Radio v2 is available today – oh yes!

Try Chavah v2 now: What’s so great about this new Chavah?

Chavah runs on mobile phones! Droid, iPhone, Windows Phone 7. Chavah runs on tablets! iPad, Xoom, Galaxy. Chavah runs on PC, Mac, and Linux. No install required! It’s pure native web technology. No Silverlight, no Flash, no QuickTime, no Windows Media. Chavah now sports a clean, sharp HTML5 design that focuses on content over chrome. Ha! This was pretty cool. Things really moved forward with this release; it made Chavah available on mobile phones and tablets, it worked without any plugins — just the native web — and featured a design refresh. The design was…an improvement? Not sure what I was thinking with all the red colors. Weird choice in retrospect.

But, this release really put us on people’s radars, as we streamed over a million tunes for Messiah.

Fast forward 4 years, December of 2016, we released Chavah 3.0 :

Big news, friends. I am glad and overjoyed to announce: The brand new version of Chavah Messianic Radio is here!

This new version works better on mobile, has more awesome features, is more secure, faster, smoother, and no longer requires the now-defunct Persona service to sign in. Woo-freakin’-hoo! Smile

Even though some features are still baking – hearts, chat, a revamped profile, and sharing, to name a few – I felt it was important to release Chavah v3 now. Chavah v2, built back in 2012, was showing its age, utilizing some now-obsolete technology. This new version is a complete rewrite with brand-spankin’ new tech for the modern web – oh yes! 

That version, Chavah 3.0, is what we’re still building on today. Today’s Chavah has seen many improvements on top of Chavah 3.0. You might say that today we’re at Chavah 3.5 or so.

We’ve come a long way, friends! Thanks for being with us! Here’s to another 10 years of music for Messiah – cheers and l’chaim!