Posts Categorized: trusted resources

New music: The Nesbitts – Sweet Surrender

To celebrate US Independence Day, we’re adding 4 new albums to Chavah Messianic Radio. These new albums are produced by artists who performed at the recent Proclaim Hebraic Music Fest – which was amazing and you need to come next year. ☺

Here’s the second:

The Nesbitts – Sweet Surrender

The Nesbitts are a beautiful family that serve the Lord through music, playing at churches, Messianic congregations, and even Messianic Jewish conferences. 😊 I had the pleasure of meeting Scott Nesbitt and his family, and had a joyful time praising with them a few weeks ago at Proclaim Hebraic Music Fest. They’ve got a unique sound and a real joyful heart.

With ancestral origins from Scotland and Ireland nearly a millennia ago, the Nesbitts and their music ultimately migrated to America and settled in the hills of Tennessee where, today, their Old World heritage continues to shape their songs.

The Nesbitts’ debut album Sweet Surrender weaves a tapestry of musical influences that include Americana, Country Gospel, Scottish-Irish Roots and Messianic Mountain Soul to give the listener a rich and authentic worship experience.

Fine Chavah fans, please support The Nesbitts: you can purchase their music at . You can also donate to Messiah’s Music Fund , which distributes funds to all the musicians on Chavah.

Enjoy the fresh music for Messiah, fine Chavah fans. And happy Independence Day!

New music: HaYovel – Blessed is the King Who Comes

To celebrate US Independence Day, we’re adding 4 new albums to Chavah Messianic Radio. These new albums are produced by artists who performed at the recent Proclaim Hebraic Music Fest – which was amazing and you need to come next year. ☺

Here’s the first:

HaYovel – Blessed is the King Who Comes

HaYovel is a ministry truly unique in the entire world: they are a group of believers who volunteer to serve in the vineyards of Israel. They bring over Christians, Hebrew Roots folks, Messianic Jewish folks and simply serve the people of Israel through agriculture. Check out their ministry here at – and consider volunteering with them to serve God and the Jewish people.

Chavah has played HaYovel’s Psalms of Ascent album for a few years now, as well as HaYovel’s Restoration single . All of these have been well-received by you fine Chavah listeners.

I had the pleasure of meeting Brayden (Ben Zion) Waller, his wife Tali, and their beautiful family at Proclaim the other week. I found them to be utterly genuine and sincere, holy people of God. And with true hearts for praise. Love these folks. Brayden gave me this album with permission to play it on Chavah. Thanks, Wallers!

Fine Chavah fans, please support HaYovel: you can purchase their music at , you can volunteer to serve with them on vineyards in the heart of Israel. You can also donate to Messiah’s Music Fund , which distributes funds to all the musicians on Chavah.

Enjoy the fresh music for Messiah, fine Chavah fans. And happy Independence Day.

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The Apologetics of Jesus

Introduction Was Jesus an apologist? As we read through the Gospels it could not be more evident that we see Jesus utilize a variety of  methodologies to communicate spiritual truths. Since there was no New Testament canon at that time,… Continue reading →